Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Entry Three.

Dear Diary,
This morning Garret and I actually had a real conversation where we weren't pointing out little flaws in our plan to live together. It was actually nice, Garret had a lot to say. He told me why he was in Monte Vista, because we both knew it was a little too obvious that he wasn't a native. 

"My father and I moved here when I was only seven years old. I left to go to university a few years back with the intention of getting a major in music. But those classes sucked so bad, like classical music everyday. I want to pump people up with my music not put them to sleep. So, I dropped out and came back here." 

I just nodded, finally being on the same page with Garret and not wanting to ruin it.

"That's it? You're not gonna lecture me on how I'll never get a job because I dropped out of school?"

My answer even shocked me. I absolutely did think that school was the way to get your foot into the door, but Garret seemed to have his life together at the moment. He had a house, a job in a music studio (an indie one, but still closer than she would have gotten without university) and enough money to support himself. He wasn't rich, but he was making it which is more than I could say for myself when I wasn't in university. "You're already close to the job of your dreams, which is incredible. People with degrees would kill for a job like yours. How did you get it?"

"Would it be cheating to say I know someone in the business?" The banter continued on for awhile. I was happy to know a little more about Garret though.

"You're only working in the kitchen, no one will see you. Why are you taking forever?" Garret whined.

I was in the bathroom doing my hair. Today, I was going to work with out that stupid beanie. I had a five star chef to impress. Seriously, Gino Ferrari was my coworker! I still hadn't gotten over that. He was going to be cooking in the same kitchen as me. 

When I walked out I noticed the huge puddle across the floor. Seeing the sink reminded me of something much more important. "OH MY GOSH GARRET!" I yelled. He casually strode into the room and gave me his infamous, 'what are you doing now?' look. 

"The dishes! I forgot the dishes! There's only an hour until the car pool arrives!" I had to wash the dishes that I didn't get to do the night before. If I came without the dishes today, Mr. Mancini would kill me.

"How can I help?" He asked. (Seriously, he did ask that, can you believe it?)

"Fix that sink!"

I took my dishes into the available bathroom sink. I tried to wash them as fast as I could. 
 By the third dish, the sink in the bathroom had broke as well. I couldn't catch a break, AT ALL. 

When I entered the kitchen, Garret was gone. He was probably on his way to work. Honestly, I was a little upset. He left me to suffer in my own misery. I had already missed my carpool and I had more dishes to clean and he was at work, probably not even caring that I was here struggling. In that moment, I was overreacting just a tad bit. Until I noticed that the sink was indeed fixed. "ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" 
I cleaned my dished quickly and jolted to work. 

I was late. Not by ten minutes, twenty or even thirty. I was an hour late. AN HOUR. Mr. Mancini was brutal. He yelled at me for choosing to do the dishes over coming in late. When I told him that without the dishes the diners couldn't eat, he just got even more mad. He told me that I was irresponsible for even leaving it to last minute. I was stressed from work. It was a lifestyle I wasn't used to. Working in the bistro was a very fast paced job, one I couldn't allow myself to fall behind on. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I was on the verge of tears when I left the building. Instead of taking the carpool home, I decided to walk back. I could use the distraction.

When I arrived home, Garret was already there. "How'd the dished go? Did you finish in time?"

"No," I grumbled. "I was an hour late to work."

"I'm sorry I had to leave early." He genuinely looked concerned for a moment and I couldn't believe it. It made me feel even worse.

"No, it's ok. Then you'd be late, and we'd both be in trouble."

"If it makes you feel better, I had to skip my lunch break to clean the studio." He frowned.

"Thats different. I'd rather clean the kitchen than have my boss yell at me the way that he did today. It was scary. Maybe, I'm not cut out to work in an actual bistro."

"Stay here. I've got just the thing to cheer you up."

Lets take a pause and think about everything that Garret could have possibly brought out.

Were you expecting a slide? Garret set it up in the front and ushered me to go first. Of course, I thought it was crazy and insane. Everyone could watch us being idiots at midnight. 

"Theres nothing more fun than using a slip in slide at night. Everyone stares like you're crazy, which just makes you enjoy yourself more."

"You are insane Garret!"

After seeing Garret face plant and mess up his slide, I began to cheer up a little bit.

"Hey! I meant to do that!"

Somehow, the idiot got me to join in. People were watching and probably did think we were crazy, but honestly, it was the most fun I had had in Monte Vista so far. 


  1. Awww, Garret is a sweetheart. So kind of him to cheer her up, and he did manage to fix the sink for her. :( Too bad she's having a tough time at work. Hope it gets better soon.

    1. Garret just looks like this rough guy, but he's really all talk haha. He does have a soft side to him and Delilah might just see more of it As long as she's living with him. Thanks for commenting!
