Saturday, September 6, 2014

Entry Five: Weekend Blues

Dear Diary,

      This weekend was absolutely draining. I went from being completely happy, to unsure and then downright depressed. Saturday was leisure day, a holiday for all the citizens of beautiful Monte Vista. Everyone had off from work and summer classes to do whatever they;d like. (You know, except for those working at the Summer festival, taxis and all those other things we wouldn't be able to function without...) Back in Bridgeport, we don't have festivals. We just have night clubs. Naturally, I was excited to spend my day off at the festival as everyone else would be.

"Hey, breakfast is on the counter. I've got to run. Busy day at work today." Garret said as he headed for the door.

"Wait, two things. You cooked breakfast?" I smelled the burnt pastry and shook my head. "You have a five star chef here, sit back and let me do ALL the cooking."

"What, my toaster pastries aren't good enough for you princess? Maybe Mr. Ferrari can cook you a delicious eggs benedict." He smirked.


"Everyone is talking about you. You're making quite a mark on Monte Vista."

"Really?" I grinned. Everyone was talking about me? Life couldn't get any better than this.

"Yep. Stick it to those old fashioned bastards at that bistro." Garret pumped his fist into the air and smirked. "I really need to head out, Princess."

Princess. I liked it. I'd be the only princess without a personal chef. Sticking it to those old fashioned bastards as Garret would say. "Wait! How do you have work? It's leisure day. Everyone is off."

"Not entertainment." Garret sighed. "Do you know how many people call the record company asking for DJs to play at their pool parties?"

"Is that normal?" I placed my hand on my chin. "Everyone here is loaded."

"Everyone but us unfortunately. Why don't you check out the festival?"

"I wanted to go with you, but I guess I can ask Camillo if he'd come with me." I shrugged.

"You mean your boss? Is that really a good idea? You don't need to flatter him to get ahead, you're doing fine."

"You know that Camillo is my boss?" I furrowed my brow.

"Uhh...yeah? You talk about your job a lot..." His voice trailed off.

It had been a few weeks since Camillo and I had officially (secretly) gotten together. I just felt incredible with him. In the public eye we were nothing but intern and boss. Behind the scenes we were much more. He'd take me out to fancy dinners and no one suspected anything because of all the hype I was getting at the restaurant. Garret had just confirmed that for me. I had forgotten that nobody knew about us and I had to keep my mouth shut if I wanted to keep my internship and him his job. "Well uhh, you know I don't have any friends here besides you since I'm always working, but don't worry about it, you're going to be late if you don't hurry up..."

Garret raised his brow but shook his head. "Don't have too much fun today."

I had called Camillo but he had some fancy dinner party that he had to prepare for. It looked like I would be spending the day by myself. I began to walk to the pool. I spent the entire day tanning pool side. Apparently everyone was at the summer festival. Nobody was at the public pool which was strange.

When I had decided it was time to leave, I changed back into my clothes and headed for the door. It really was empty today.

"Hows my little wild flower?" I jumped, not expecting anyone to be here.

"Camillo? I mean uh...Mr. Mancini?"

"No need to be so formal, there's no one here but us two." He held my hand.

"Yes but, what if somebody sees?"

"Nobody will, I rented this place out once I heard you wanted to spend the day at the pool. I didn't want my prodigy to have to deal with these commoners."

"Wait really?" I asked. "You rented out this whole place?" I knew he had money, but this much? That was completely insane. "You didn't have to do that. I would have been fine swimming with other people...."

"Get used to this darling because as long as you're with me, you'll be treated like a queen." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I felt my heart beat faster. [Step Five: Meet Hot italian guy...check! Step Six: Date and marry said italian guy, almost there!] This moment was absolute perfection. I was broken from my thoughts by his abrupt goodbye. "I still have that dinner party to attend so I must leave." We said our goodbyes and I was alone once again.

I decided to text Garret and see if he would be getting out of work soon. I heard there'd be a firework show and I didn't want to go alone. I felt happy from spending just a few minutes with Camillo, but it's still kind of lonely here in Monte Vista. Garret was busy with work so I decided against the festival. I didn't need people thrusting their friendships in my face. I was a little jealous honestly. The only two people I bothered talking to were Garret and Camillo. I didn't even talk to the wait staff at the restaurant.
I decided to go home and brush up on my cooking skill. I was getting more and more attention as a chef and if I wanted to climb the career ladder, i'd have to impress. After hours,  I gave up and went outside to play with the slip and slide. Thankfully, both Garret and I had been too lazy to put it back into it's box when we had initially used it. It was fun, but lonely. I had no one to laugh with and when people walked by, they were staring at me, this crazy lonely girl playing with a children's toy in the front of her house. After a while, I trudged my feet and headed to Garret's room. Since he wanted to be out all night, I'd get to sleep on a bed for once and he'd have to deal with the couch.

The next morning Garret had to leave once again. He didn't work on sundays and when I confronted him about it, he told me to mind my own business. He must have been cranky from sleeping on the couch. I apologized multiple times and in response he mumbled, "it's ok, whatever," and left the house. I had to go to work today and  I was actually happy about it. I had something to keep my mind busy. Except, it didn't really work that way. I couldn't stop thinking about Garret. he had been missing the past few days. I mean, he was here but he was constantly leaving the house. I know he owes me no explanation, but it's strange. We used to spend our nights watching italian movies (with subtitles!), playing video games and watching those animes he loved so much. It got to be so much that Camillo sent me home early. He said I wasn't focused enough and I had almost cut my finger while chopping vegetables. 

I decided to take a taxi home and thank the watcher I did. I asked the driver to take the side roads instead of the main one to avoid as much traffic as possible. 

"Excuse me, sir? Can you stop the car for a minute?"

He let out an irritated grunt but did as he was told. I leaned towards my window. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Garret stood outside of a quaint little house with a child in his arms. It didn't look like he was babysitting or anything. It looked like that little girl meant something much more to him. The absolute joy in his eyes as he tossed her up into the air and her tiny giggle. This was why he had been staying out all night and leaving early. I didn't know who that little girl was, but she was important to him and he didn't feel it necessary to share that information with me. I'll admit that I was a little hurt and a tad bit jealous. 

"Ma'am, I know you tourists want to guy watch while here in Monte Vista, but if we don't leave now, we'll run into a lot of traffic as everyone is returning from their lunch breaks."

"Oh..uhm, right. Go ahead." I blushed. Guy watching!? No way, I already have my own man candy. Anyway, the taxi pulled away with a bewildered Garret looking on. I let out a deep sigh. I had been caught watching Garret and I'd probably hear it when I got home. 

Right now, I'm anxiously awaiting his arrival. Wish me luck, I don't know how he's going to react!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Entry Four: Surprises

It's been a while right? I finally managed to get a chapter out for this. I'm having fun with it :D It's short but thats only because the next part is going to have some action in it that I'd rather not rush by putting it with this one. Enjoy!

Dear Diary,
       It's been a while since I've written, hasn't it? I know I promised that I'd right daily, but I just haven't found the time. It's been almost two months since I've been here in Monte Vista and I can honestly say things have changed. Garrett and I are now actually friends, at least up to the point where we can admit it to each other. I still sleep in my sleeping bag downstairs, because come on. Though, Garret does always offer to switch with me, but I can't. I'm the guest after all. It's his house and he should get a good night's sleep.
I've noticed that he's been a little off lately. He's constantly on the phone, but he always leaves the room if he sees me. I know it's really not any of my business, but could he at least play it off like it's not important? I really want to know what's going on and he's making a point to keep me out of it. No matter how much I ask him to tell  me, he says that I should be worrying about other things, like my job.
          My internship/job will be ending soon. Not too soon, like a couple of days. I still have a few months left. Six months total. I'm already a third of the way through it and I wish the time would go by slower.
 Anyway, one day my boss called me out to Flying V's Coffee house. He said it was urgent business regarding my time here. I of course met up with him and he had some exciting news. I have to admit, I was terrified at what he had to say. We hadn't exactly been on the best terms since day one, but I think as time passed by he saw that I was actually a valuable part of his team. This is what he had to say to me:

"Remember a few months back how Gino Ferrari had returned to cook with us?"

I nodded. Nobody had seen Gino really since he returned. he was either doing television interviews or hanging out with his model girlfriend Jalissa. He was barely ever in the kitchen, but his name alone had made business boom.

"Well, he's been asking me for days who convinced the restaurant to add Tiramisu as a dessert on our menu. He demanded to taste it immediately and we gave him some that was stored and he loved it. Gino Ferrari is very picky, so you should be honored."

My face lit up. "Really!? The Gino Ferrari liked my Tiramisu! No way!" It was true, I had begged Mr. Mancini to let me bake some Tiramisu. It was my specialty. I had just wanted to bake it for one of the dinner parties that reserved the building but Mr. Mancini had decided to add it to his menu. My cooking career has been going great.

"Mhm. You should be proud of your work, Delilah." He gently placed his hand on my shoulder. It was sort of weird, seeing this side of him, but I really didn't care in the moment. Gino Ferrari, THE Gino Ferrari liked my dessert.
After that, Mr. Mancini's interest in me soared. He was constantly in the kitchen coaching me on what I should and shouldn't do, risks I could take and shortcuts. It was really informative and fun. We joked more than we worked half the time. I know what you're thinking, remember the time where he had no sense of humor? Yeah, I guess he does it just can't be about his cooking. Anyway, he invited me out again, similar to our first meeting but this time with flowers. Back track. My boss, Camillo Mancini, gave me flowers. Is that even ok? It's super unprofessional. I'm his young intern. I mean, he's not much older than me but still. But flowers are just flowers. I thought maybe it could be, friendly flowers? A congratulations of some sort?

Nope. Nothing like that. I had been racking my brain about the meaning of those flowers the entire dinner. He had been talking about how impressed Gino Ferrari was with my cooking and honestly, I should have been more excited but my head wasn't in it. Eventually, he asked for the bill and when I headed to leave, he grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks.

"I can't believe you're not getting the hints," He stated.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"You're a talented cook. You've captured the taste buds of many people here, including a famous five star chef. You put so much thought and effort into your food, yet you don't get it."

"That I'm a good cook?" I asked bewildered.

"You're much more than that," He whispered as he neared my face.

Definitely not ok.  

"Mr. Mancini..."

"Camillo," He corrected.

"Uhmm, Camillo..." I said awkwardly. "This is unprofessional."

"I know, and I can't help it. You're incredible." His lips crashed into mine. It was against everything I believed in. It was morally wrong. My brain was throwing so many logical reasons at me. He was my boss. It was unprofessional. It was so sudden. The worst part about all of this, is that I enjoyed it. The taste of his lips was heaven and I didn't want to say goodbye to him that night but he stroked my hair and told me to think about being with him in secret. At that very moment I knew what I wanted. I crashed my lips roughly onto his before leaving in silence. He had gotten the point. Work is going to be a little more interesting from now on.