Saturday, May 17, 2014


I will be putting Wild Flower on a (hopefully!) brief hiatus. My other legacy story, A Graying World is nearing generation two and I want to focus my attention on it. When starting this second legacy, I thought i'd be able to balance both, but honestly I just keep thinking of plot points for A Graying World and I don't think it's fair to dumb down either story in order to get chapters out for both of them. I don't know when I will continue this legacy, but it definitely won't be in the next week or so. Maybe once summer has officially started then I might have time to do both, but  I figure because this story is still in it's early chapters, I'm not leaving anyone on too much of a cliff hanger. If in the rare chance I choose not to continue this story (I'm aiming against this but in the rare occasion that I do...) I will definitely include Delilah and the fan favorite Garret into A Graying World somehow. Thank you for reading and I hope to be posting new chapters soon! If you'd like, why don't you check out my other legacy, A Graying World?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Entry Three.

Dear Diary,
This morning Garret and I actually had a real conversation where we weren't pointing out little flaws in our plan to live together. It was actually nice, Garret had a lot to say. He told me why he was in Monte Vista, because we both knew it was a little too obvious that he wasn't a native. 

"My father and I moved here when I was only seven years old. I left to go to university a few years back with the intention of getting a major in music. But those classes sucked so bad, like classical music everyday. I want to pump people up with my music not put them to sleep. So, I dropped out and came back here." 

I just nodded, finally being on the same page with Garret and not wanting to ruin it.

"That's it? You're not gonna lecture me on how I'll never get a job because I dropped out of school?"

My answer even shocked me. I absolutely did think that school was the way to get your foot into the door, but Garret seemed to have his life together at the moment. He had a house, a job in a music studio (an indie one, but still closer than she would have gotten without university) and enough money to support himself. He wasn't rich, but he was making it which is more than I could say for myself when I wasn't in university. "You're already close to the job of your dreams, which is incredible. People with degrees would kill for a job like yours. How did you get it?"

"Would it be cheating to say I know someone in the business?" The banter continued on for awhile. I was happy to know a little more about Garret though.

"You're only working in the kitchen, no one will see you. Why are you taking forever?" Garret whined.

I was in the bathroom doing my hair. Today, I was going to work with out that stupid beanie. I had a five star chef to impress. Seriously, Gino Ferrari was my coworker! I still hadn't gotten over that. He was going to be cooking in the same kitchen as me. 

When I walked out I noticed the huge puddle across the floor. Seeing the sink reminded me of something much more important. "OH MY GOSH GARRET!" I yelled. He casually strode into the room and gave me his infamous, 'what are you doing now?' look. 

"The dishes! I forgot the dishes! There's only an hour until the car pool arrives!" I had to wash the dishes that I didn't get to do the night before. If I came without the dishes today, Mr. Mancini would kill me.

"How can I help?" He asked. (Seriously, he did ask that, can you believe it?)

"Fix that sink!"

I took my dishes into the available bathroom sink. I tried to wash them as fast as I could. 
 By the third dish, the sink in the bathroom had broke as well. I couldn't catch a break, AT ALL. 

When I entered the kitchen, Garret was gone. He was probably on his way to work. Honestly, I was a little upset. He left me to suffer in my own misery. I had already missed my carpool and I had more dishes to clean and he was at work, probably not even caring that I was here struggling. In that moment, I was overreacting just a tad bit. Until I noticed that the sink was indeed fixed. "ThankyouThankyouThankyou!" 
I cleaned my dished quickly and jolted to work. 

I was late. Not by ten minutes, twenty or even thirty. I was an hour late. AN HOUR. Mr. Mancini was brutal. He yelled at me for choosing to do the dishes over coming in late. When I told him that without the dishes the diners couldn't eat, he just got even more mad. He told me that I was irresponsible for even leaving it to last minute. I was stressed from work. It was a lifestyle I wasn't used to. Working in the bistro was a very fast paced job, one I couldn't allow myself to fall behind on. This was going to be a lot harder than I thought. I was on the verge of tears when I left the building. Instead of taking the carpool home, I decided to walk back. I could use the distraction.

When I arrived home, Garret was already there. "How'd the dished go? Did you finish in time?"

"No," I grumbled. "I was an hour late to work."

"I'm sorry I had to leave early." He genuinely looked concerned for a moment and I couldn't believe it. It made me feel even worse.

"No, it's ok. Then you'd be late, and we'd both be in trouble."

"If it makes you feel better, I had to skip my lunch break to clean the studio." He frowned.

"Thats different. I'd rather clean the kitchen than have my boss yell at me the way that he did today. It was scary. Maybe, I'm not cut out to work in an actual bistro."

"Stay here. I've got just the thing to cheer you up."

Lets take a pause and think about everything that Garret could have possibly brought out.

Were you expecting a slide? Garret set it up in the front and ushered me to go first. Of course, I thought it was crazy and insane. Everyone could watch us being idiots at midnight. 

"Theres nothing more fun than using a slip in slide at night. Everyone stares like you're crazy, which just makes you enjoy yourself more."

"You are insane Garret!"

After seeing Garret face plant and mess up his slide, I began to cheer up a little bit.

"Hey! I meant to do that!"

Somehow, the idiot got me to join in. People were watching and probably did think we were crazy, but honestly, it was the most fun I had had in Monte Vista so far. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Entry Two: Ahhh!

Dear Diary,
Today I woke up early, to avoid any nonsense from Garret. I quickly changed from my pjs and headed to the kitchen. I was going to make breakfast for the both of us. He could use something other than cereal in his system.

I was surprised he had all of the ingredients in the house. I didn't have too much of a hard time working on his old appliances and I finished just as he made his way down the stairs. 
I placed the final strawberry on top and I turned around to call him when I saw what he was wearing..or actually, what he wasn't wearing. He had gone to bed with a shirt on but it was suddenly missing this morning. Normally, it wouldn't have bothered me but I couldn't stop staring. He had a really nice body. But, of course I really can't let him know that because this jerk will let it get to his head and according to my plan, I have to meet a hot local from Monte Vista and marry him. Garret was an American rocker dude. It was a whole different story.

"Magnifique!" I exclaimed after I ate my food. I think Garret was grateful for the change of taste because he swallowed his food in two bites. At the table, I took my opportunity to try to get to know him better, but I kept getting flustered by the proximity of his glistening body...uhm, scratch that. I didn't write that, ehehe.

After eating, Garret headed straight outside to play his guitar. He didn't even bother changing. I wonder why he plays outside if he doesn't want anyone to hear him play. Maybe it's because this house is so tiny. I couldn't wait to get some more money so I could move out.

I was reading a cook book that Mr. Mancini gave me, so that I could improve my cooking skill but I was interrupted by Mr. Shirtless Garret. He slyly pushed my book closed with his index finger while I was reading.

                               "Do you mind? I'm trying to read something here."

                               "Yeah, I do mind. I'm trying to tell you something. Jeez. Your waffles weren't completely inedible. I mean I still prefer cereal, but I'd still feed those waffles to human beings and not the imaginary dog that I wish I had."

Was that a compliment? Man everyone in Monte Vista was a critic.

Before we both had to head to work, Garret assaulted me with water balloons. Granted, it was almost ninety degrees out, but I was unprepared. "Hey!" I was expecting a more civilized roommate.

The carpool arrived and I had just enough time to change out of my drenched dress and into my uniform. I hated the hat I had to wear and I was thinking about ways I could get Mr. Mancini to let me alter my uniform.
At work today, Mr. Mancini introduced me to THE GINO FERRARI. Can you believe it!? That is the very guy I idolize and the reason I came to Monte Vista of all places! He wasn't a complete snob to me and even hung around the kitchen with me to give me tips, until he was called by his agent to go to a television appearance. It was awesome!

I got home pretty late after my shift. I still had more dishes to clean, but the bistro closed before I could finish them, so I had to bring them home and finish washing them before work the next day. Honestly, I was so exhausted, I went straight to bed. The dishes could wait. I took my sleeping bag downstairs because the thought of Garret made me uncomfortable, I mean I still only knew the guy for two days.


Thank you for reading! Leave a comment to let me know what you think!

Entry One: New Girl

Dear Diary,

It's not stupid to be a young adult and have a diary, alright? Whoever tells you that is a liar. It doesn't matter anyway, because no one but me will read this book. Well, maybe my descendants will one day, I don't really know. That would be really cool. Hi future generations of the Thorne family! If you're reading this then, you must be interested in my life. I mean, who wouldn't be? I'm going to be famous one day. (Or maybe in your case I already am). From here on out, if you choose to read this, you will be taking a journey with me through my crazy life in Monte Vista and beyond.

Today was was my first day in Monte Vista. My moving van was running late and of course that meant that I would be running late for my meeting with my new boss. Let me backtrack a little. I was chosen from my culinary class to intern in one of the most beautiful bistro's in all of Monte Vista. Monte Vista is practically the food capital of all of the sims towns! I of course told them yes, because I want to be a celebrity chef. So there I was, standing in front of my new work place, out of breath from running in my heels. I was two minutes early. I guess running for trains in Bridgeport really did pay off.

My new boss' name is Camillo Mancini. He dislikes children, so I have to make sure that I'm really mature around him and I don't make any jokes, especially about cooking! I swear he doesn't have a sense of humor. Anyway, he invited me to the local Pizzeria to talk about my new work position. It was pretty empty because of how early it was. Who wants pizza at ten am? I was extremely nervous and I tried my best to hide it by making jokes. Not a good idea.
I couldn't let him think that I didn't take cooking seriously. All I needed was a bad review and I would be blacklisted from every other notable kitchen anywhere! I decided to wow him with some pepperoni pizza. It was risky, considering Monte Vista was famous for their pizza.
But, I didn't come to Monte Vista to play it safe. I was here to show my culinary prowess. I had to wow Mr. Mancini if I wanted a good recommendation from him.
I won't forget what he said to me. "Ms. Thorne, this isn't the greatest pizza I have ever tasted." My heart sunk. Of course it wouldn't be, I was merely just an amateur in this business. "But, it isn't the worst either. I'd say its nice quality. You have so much more to learn but I see why you were chosen to work with us. Keep this up and you might get promoted to having an actual job with us. I expect to see you here Monday with the same drive I saw today. Understood?"

"Yes sir!" 

When he left, I bolted out the back door and celebrated. I didn't want him to think I was acting like a child, but I was excited. He didn't think I was the worst chef ever...AND...he actually saw potential in me! 

After all of that excitement, I had to go unpack my things. I had been saving up money from the part time job I had as a teenager to rent an apartment. Sadly, with paying the mover, buying new clothes for the weather in Monte Vista, and the money I spent on my way here, I had barely any money left over for a nice apartment of my own. I was going to be sharing an apartment with one of the locals. I was a little nervous, but hopefully we'd get along.
Imagine my surprise when a man around my age walked out in some grunge inspired clothing. Not what I was expecting at all.

"You must be Delilah. I'm Garret Kendrick."

My voice deflated. "You're not a local at all!" I was honestly hoping to learn some cooking techniques from a local. Their home made meals would have been different than the meals cooked in a restaurant. 

"Hey now! So what, I'm not a local, it doesn't mean I'm not a super cool room mate."

"I'm s-s-orry!" I stuttered. I mean, I never stuttered, but this guy really caught me off guard. "I was just expecting a local is all. There's uh..nothing wrong with you..or your look." I mentally slapped myself. I seriously told him that I didn't have a problem with his look when nobody was talking about his look to begin with.

"I'm into rock. I get it, nobody here is. It's fine. Just come in."

Already off to a bad start. I tried to tell him that that wasn't what I meant but I ended up just making the situation worse so I stopped talking. 

"This is your kitchen?" I tried not to sound rude, but there was no celebrity chef who cooked in a tiny kitchen like that. I needed more modern equipment.

"For the amount you're paying, what did you expect?" Garret shrugged.

"Ughh." He was right, I was getting this place for a bargain.

I decided to spend the few hours of daylight left by reading a cook book. I was so close to learning a new skill until my train of thought was broken by loud music. Where was that noise coming from?

Outside Garret was playing his guitar. I went outside with the intention of telling him to knock it off.
But once I saw how into it he was getting, I didn't have the heart to stop him. He seemed really comfortable with a guitar in his hands. Why is a rocker out here in Monte Vista anyway? I'm going to wait until he doesn't think I'm an ignorant rock music hating snobby girl to ask him.

He really wasn't half bad. I was enjoying watching him preform. Once he caught sight of me listening though, he quickly put the guitar away and went inside. I want to ask him about that later too.

After that, I spotted Garret eating cereal for dinner. Cereal! Can you believe it?
"Do you always eat like this?"

"Yeah...why?" But imagine him saying that with food dripping from his mouth. This guy is a total slob. I don't know how long we'll last as roommates, considering I'm a perfectionist. 

"There is no nutritional value in cereal. It's all artificially flavored." I tried to tell him.

"It's cheap, convenient and tastes good. I have more important things to worry about than what vegetables I'm eating and nonsense like that."

After that awkward conversation he showed us to our room. Yeah, our room. I was horrified at the revelation.
So I began to argue with him to try to knock some sense into the stubborn guy. There was a Queen size bed and a sleeping bag on the floor.

"What's the problem? There's a sleeping bag on the floor. I'm not asking you to sleep with me or anything. There's just physically no room in this house."

"But, I'm sleeping in a room with some guy I just met today!? Plus, you want me to sleep on the floor!? Is that how you treat your guests?"

"You live here now, so I don't have to treat you like a guest. There's space next to me in this bed. If not, princess, you're stuck on the floor." He smirked at my bewildered expression. What a jerk this guy is.

Yupp, you better believe that I'm going to be sleeping in the sleeping bag tonight. I've got my eye on Mr. Kendrick though, just in case. I'm off to bed, goodnight diary!


Well, what did you think of my new story? It's totally different then A Graying World. Let me know what you think of chapter one! 

Friday, May 9, 2014


Meet Delilah Thorne, the new girl in Monte Vista. Her dream is to become a five star chef and she has just the plan to achieve it.

                                Step One: Move to Monte Vista [Check]
                                Step Two: Find a place to stay once in Monte Vista. [Check]
                                Step Four: Get a job in the culinary career.
                                Step Five: Meet a hot Italian guy.
                                Step Six: Date and Marry said Italian Guy.
                                Step Seven: Become a Celebrity Chef
                                Step Eight: Have Children
                                Step Nine: Open a Bakery
                                Step Ten: Live Happily Ever After

Well, most of it seems practical. Can this city girl really pull it off? Keep reading to find out :)

-Will be written in diary form-

[I did not create CC, credit goes to where it is due]